An Ounce of Prevention

Well, it’s finally time to unveil an idea I’ve been kicking around.

Are you tired of following links on websites, only to get “Rick Rolled?” If you’ve had it happen to you, you might be interested in a Firefox browser plugin that would automatically proxy any links leading to YouTube or other video sites, and check them against a dynamic updated database of known Rick Astley videos.

After all, some people will click on anything. I know I could have used it.

So far, people have clicked to download the plugin.

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  1. huh, it hasnt happened to me.but thanks for the forewarning.

  2. Very funny- saw the posting on freshmeat and swung by for a look. Wish I had saved the few minutes of clicking. *GRIN*


  1. Ike Pigott says:

    This is as good a time as any to remind people about the Anti-Rickroll Firefox Plugin |