Mount Everest is in Alaska

(Another classic from the mcarp archives… the prophetic genius and brilliance are his;
the ones/zeros, pixels, pictures and subheads and pull-quotes are mine.)

“You mean it’s not in Wisconsin?”

The phone rang, and an intern picked it up. She listened for a moment, then put her hand over the receiver and looked at me.

“Where is Mount Everest?” she asked.

What am I, the World Book? “Tell ’em it’s in Wisconsin,” I replied.

“Nuh-uhhh,” a coworker interrupted. “Mount Everest is in Colorado.

“Mount Everest isn’t in Colorado,” a third responded. “Pike’s Peak is in Colorado. Mount Everest is in Alaska.”

The intern turned back to me. “Where is it, really?”

Then I realized I didn’t know for sure which country it was in. So, I weaseled. “It’s in the Himalayas.”

“No, it’s not,” replied the coworker who had placed it in Alaska. “The Himalayas are in New York, and I know Mount Everest isn’t in New York.”

(originally published by Michael Carpenter, republished with permission.)

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  1. You know, I would really like to believe that this was just some humorous fiction.
    But I’ve seen this kind of ignorance up close and personal… and I work in higher-ed, even!


  1. Ike Pigott says:

    Mount Everest is in Alaska! (a tale of newsroom intelligence from the mcarp archives) |

  2. Ike Pigott says:

    Why you shouldn't ask for directions from people who work in news |

  3. RT @ikepigott: Why you shouldn't ask for directions from people who work in news |